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Dear Friend of the Foundation,

As a valued member of our community, your unwavering support has always propelled Fulton-Montgomery Community College (FMCC) to new heights. Today, we invite you to join us in a significant endeavor that promises to reshape lives and fortify our shared future.

A Vision for Transformation

FMCC is committed to serving our rural and low-income population in Upstate New York, a region grappling with higher-than-average poverty rates.

As such, our ambitious project to upgrade our athletic fields into a state-of-the-art, multi-use sports complex is not just a facility enhancement; it’s a symbol of hope and opportunity.

This project will catalyze improvements in college enrollments, provide vital community assets, and offer extensive recreational opportunities, addressing critical health and wellness needs in our area.

Your Impact in Numbers

  • Educational Empowerment: The renovation of our outdoor facilities will strengthen our athletic programs, boosting student enrollment, satisfaction, and retention. Our past experiences, such as the revitalization of our indoor athletics facility, have led to remarkable growth in our sports programs and achievements at national levels​.
  • Economic Revitalization: This initiative is a cornerstone in bolstering the local economy. By hosting regional and national events, we aim to attract tourism, benefiting local businesses and employment opportunities​.
  • Project Cost: The total project cost stands at $5 million, with a goal to raise $2.5 million, matched by New York State to cover the entire expense​.

Your Dollars Make Significant Change

Because every dollar donated will be matched, your dollars this year count more than ever: amplifying your impact on our students, community, and local economy. But your generosity extends beyond a monetary gift; it’s a legacy that fosters a safer, stronger, and more connected tomorrow​​.

Cyber Security

Every dollar you donate will be matched, doubling your impact!

Other Ways to Contribute

In addition to contributing directly to our current mission of raising $2.5 million for the athletic fields, you’ll find many other ways to keep FMCC growing.

  • The Rao Theater: Honor someone special or add your own name to a seat in our theater for just $350.
  • Scholarships: Create a lasting impact by establishing a scholarship, with options starting at $10,000.
  • Golf Sponsorship: Engage in our annual golf tournaments, with sponsorship levels ranging from $250 to $10,000, all aiding our “College in the High School” scholarships.
  • Naming Opportunities: Make a significant donation and gain the opportunity to name a part of our campus​.

Gratitude and Partnership

Your support is more than a donation; it is a testament to your belief in the power of education and community development. We are immensely grateful for your partnership in this journey. Together, we can create a legacy that resonates for generations​.

Click Here to contribute. Share our vision with your network and stand with us in making a difference.

With heartfelt thanks,

Give back to the school that helped shape your life.

Your Private Dollars Shape Futures

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