Trudy graduated FM, with Honors, with an A.A. in Liberal Arts. She continued her studies at Russell Sage earning a B.S. in Healthcare Administration, again with Honors, and was awarded the Richard Mattox Award for Outstanding Public Administration Student, and a Master’s degree in Public Administration with High Honors, graduating Cum Laude.
Trudy began as a nursing assistant, working her way up to Administrator and CEO in Long Term Care Corporations. She has Nursing Home Administrator Licenses in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Florida, Hawaii, and Texas.
Her career has dealt heavily with turn-around/transition management of Long Term Care facilities. She has taken the responsibility to change, and further develop, a number of facilities for both short and long term assignments. While in these under-performing facilities she has met with incredible challenges involving anything from foreclosure, Union strikes, and clinical declines, to general mismanagement issues; all of the facilities have met with tremendous success, both financially and clinically, and have received recognition on Local, State, Federal and corporate levels.
Trudy has been interviewed and quoted in numerous publications, including The San Antonio Business Journal, and was on the cover of NSIDE MD. Her hobbies include photography, travel, and flipping houses.
Favorite Color: Otsego Lake Green
Favorite Song/Band: “Any Major Dude”/Steely Dan
Favorite Movie: “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” or any Classic
Favorite Food: New York Pizza
Favorite Technology: Big Chief Tablet and a #2 Pencil
First Car: AMC Green Hornet (1970 something)
3 Must-Haves on a Desert Island:
International cell service, my husband, and food
Bucket List Item: Cooking classes in the South of France
Person Most Admired: Amelia Earhart and Madame Curie’
Most Interesting Person
Ever Met: Howard W. Moore – WWI Conscientious Objector and his Quaker wife Louise, to whom I owe everything I am today
Favorite Animals: A great big red dog, Red Rey, and Moxie, a cat
Favorite Place to Visit: Any New York State Fire Tower
Favorite Quote: “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes well you might find, you get what you need.”
Favorite FM Memory: Jonas Kover’s thrilling American History classes and his surprise “SHOTGUN!” tests, which are now a part of my management style.